my 3-2-1 strengths values desire

my favourite quote is this one from anne lammot: lighthouses don’t go running all over the island looking for a boat to save, they just stand there shining.

i believe that we each have a light all our own… i believe that we are here to shine our light in the world… and i believe that our light is a rainbow with many layers and colours and shades and blends.

learn yours!

here is where i suggest you start: know your 3 strengths, your 2 values, and your 1 desire… i call this your 3-2-1.

even if you think you already know these qualities of your self i recommend exploring further because my approach is a little different!

most of the time, self exploration is focused on who you are in the outer world - what you do, what you offer, what you achieve, what you want, what you have had to be - and that can leave us feeling a bit meh. like: that’s nice but it doesn’t really make me feel any stronger within my self.

how i define and explore self is all about your inner world - the you that is just for you - so this exercise is about knowing what strengthens YOU, what adds value to how YOU experience the world, and what kind of person YOU want to be.

what is your 3-2-1? watch below to find out!

additional resources:

click here for VIA character strengths test
click here for Richard Step strengths test
click here for brene brown living into our values podcast episode
click here for james clear and brene brown atomic habits podcast episode

this exercise - my 3-2-1 - is an excerpt from the self-leadership masterclass: how to self click through for the whole workshop to keep strengthening your sense of self!

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