karen gunton

true power is living the realisation that you are your own healer, hero, and leader.

~ yung pueblo

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have you been stuck? struggling? feeling like you have lost yourself or lost your direction? knowing you want more for your life but you just can’t seem to move forward? you are in the right place! i know stuck. i know struggle. and i know lost. i would really love to help.

here is what i want you to know for sure.

YOU are the hero you have been waiting for, you are hero of your own story!

and you have everything you need to stop struggling and start shining. i promise you.

i would love to teach you about self-leadership, which i define as: to know your self, to lead your self and to lead with self. yep, it all starts with you! be sure to grab the free ebook: enough… it is a great starting point for knowing and claiming your self.

books & more

self-discovery & identity… find yourself, know yourself, be yourself

listen to your inner voice for clarity & exploration

55 simple, doable strategies to RISE up out of whatever stuck place you’ve been in

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learn how to shine your light just like a lighthouse