karen gunton

get unstuck.

make a change.


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our stuckness is like a box…

it keeps us small, safe, same, still, and silent.

when we shift the box…

we can RISE

if you have been stuck… dissatisfied, stagnant, inert, no mojo, lost self, lost direction, restless, longing... this is the book for you. with 55 simple, self-leadership strategies to help you pull yourself up out of whatever box, or dark cave, or muddy puddle you’ve been stuck in, RISE has something doable for anyone to try.

many of us are waiting for a better moment, wishing for a magic wand, holding out for a hero. this book is for people who are ready to RISE up to be their own damn hero… to get unstuck, to make a change, and do more of whatever it is you say you want in life.

YOU are the hero you have been waiting for!

get your copy of rise today!

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here’s what early readers are saying about RISE…

Wow, I love RISE! I can’t believe the amount of research you have done to write it. It is clear, concise and a very easy and an interesting read. There are so many things I want to try for myself. And will! I had so much fun reading it, at points I just could NOT put the book down. Honestly, I love your book, and can’t wait to share it with everyone I know. I CAN’T WAIT!
— Janice ~ loved BINGO, the wreck, and feel to heal
RISE is such a brilliant book. I genuinely look forward to diving into it as an active participant in my own RISING. I love the little reminders you so eloquently pop into each strategy… I know this stuff, but I love being reminded of it, plus you gave me some new perspectives that I hadn’t considered before. You really took me to a new depth of understanding through sharing your story amongst the strategies.
— Nicolle ~ loved shadow hunter, the wreck, the swinging pendulum
I really love your honest and raw style of writing. I would absolutely love to go and sit down the beach somewhere and read RISE.....I can see people doing exactly that... grabbing a cuppa and using it as ‘me time’. It has really inspired me to focus on changes in myself I’ve been struggling with.... you help me think about feeling better about myself and being a better person. Your ideas are so relatable and your style of writing is so easy to read. RISE is filled with lots of easy recommendations and ideas that are not unrealistic. You have achievable tasks that people can try (and fail) but learn at the same time.
— Tracey ~ loved show up and help someone, make it a thing, sun strategy
You have sparked a little light inside me again to take tiny baby steps towards the things I want for myself again… I actually feel a little fire inside (instead of the numb, sad, overwhelm I’ve been feeling lately.) I needed this I truly did, thank you.
— Simone ~ loved choose your mission, treasure hunt, baby steps
I am really enjoying RISE. I am not usually one for the self-help genre but your take made me think about things differently. The ideas you share resonate very strongly. I have tried out a few strategies already… one was seriously life changing, another helped me to change a difficult pattern and reduce my stress.
— Nicole ~ loved BINGO, the big challenge, where else might this be true
It warms my soul to read RISE - you are truly inspiring! The book flowed so well from page to page and I so enjoy your knowledge and how you write...it’s down to earth and from the heart. One of your strategies offered a huge AHA moment for me about a lingering stuckness – thank you! Another offered a new perspective on a strategy I already use, I’m going to try it! And another strategy gave me the biggest takeaway for where I am at right now, fucking brilliant!
— Judy ~ loved lighthouse keepers, cord untangling, focus on one boat, write a new story
I want to savour RISE, not rush through....it has a lot to consider, each yummy part. My very first AHA moment was recognising my own stuckness! I think this is a book I will read many times, I will definitely be employing some of the strategies. I think this book is so timely....people are going through such tough times right now. It is a beautiful book.
— Nicola ~ loved shadow hunters
OMG. RISE is wonderful. Had me smiling and crying... you are a great writer and love your honesty. The whole book is awesome. I look forward to having the hard copy to refer to...it will be on my coffee table for years to come. Love the support and guidance you provide… it’s easy to follow and a great resource to keep handy. Love it!
— Nancy